How to handle stress and depression

what is stress?

Stress is a mental condition in which a person continuously feels pressurized by a condition, situation or any mistake.

There are two reasons behind stress;-

1. over thinking about the mistake or condition
2. hiding the mistake 

1.Over thinking about the mistake or condition 

overthinking about the problem or mistake leads to depression and week health. so to over come stress we have to stop overthinking about the mistake or condition.
If that thing has happened .so, we don't have to think about what will be the outcomes of our mistake we have to look forward to the solutions of that problem.

2. hiding the mistake

Trying to hide the mistake leads to even more stress to the person and if we will not discuss the problems with others so how we would be able to get to the solution of the problem and discussing problems with the one who is close to you leads to relief from stress and  will make you feel better.

how to get relief from stress?   

1. Don't think about the mistake, condition or problem that makes you uncomfortable.
2. Never try to hide the problem from others because hiding that problem will lead to more stress upon you 
3.Taking yourself away from the environment where you feel stress. I can be done by invoving yourself in such things which need your attention and that will automatically divert your mind form over thinking